Care Centers of Nassau

At CCN, we believe each individual with intellectual differences has the capacity for growth and development. With that in mind, Our services are designed to enhance our clients’ development, well-being and quality of life, helping them become as creative, self-sufficient and independent as possible.




95146 Hendricks RD. Fernandina Beach, FL 32034
(904) 261-5518

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Our Services

Intermediate Care Facility

Care Centers of Nassau is a 72-bed Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities (ICF/DD). The ICF/DD focuses on active treatment for individuals served by providing an array of different educational and training programs to increase independence. Furthermore, individuals served by Care Centers of Nassau enjoy frequent community outings, events and field trips. The center also participates in the Special Olympics.


CCN utilizes a team of medical professionals and a comprehensive approach to the care of our individuals.  Our team takes into account each individual’s history and condition to develop functional assessments to meet the individual’s personal needs.

Each community is fully staffed with licensed practical nurses 24 hours a day. Our director of nursing works closely with the medical director, psychiatrist, pharmacist, therapists and other disciplines to ensure a complete range of care for each individual.


Therapies are designed to establish and promote each individual’s highest possible functional level.

A licensed physical therapist, occupational therapist and speech-language pathologist visit the communities weekly and evaluate each individual annually.

Therapy is conducted individually and in small groups after the therapist consults with other team members to design the most effective program for each individual.

Behavior Analysis

Led by a board-certified behavior analyst, the behavior science department uses scientifically proven methods to identify and change inappropriate behaviors and teach individuals positive social and behavioral skills.

Adult Day Program

The Adult Day Training Program includes vocational, pre-vocational and recreational classes and workshops structured to the needs and wants of the individuals served.

Our day program incorporate a wide range of opportunities, including computer classes for all skill levels, art classes and pre-vocational and vocational programs that allow individuals to earn compensation for the work they perform.


CCN’s exceptional dietary department is led by a registered dietitian and a dietary manager. This team strives to provide wholesome, quality meals to all of our individuals three times daily.

This department maintains a robust selection of menu items while catering to the prescriptive dietary needs of each individual.

HaBilitation/Social Services

Our habilitation and social services departments act as advocates for the individuals served in our communities and provide ongoing communication to guardians and family members regarding status and plan of care.

Dedicated to guaranteeing the protection of each individual’s human and civil rights, these departments provide counseling and guidance to individuals and act as a liaison between outside agencies and individuals’ families.

The departments host the Human Rights Advocacy Committee Meeting, providing a mechanism for individuals and their families to contribute to their plan of care.


The residential services department works with individuals to teach daily living and other skills that enable them to achieve their highest possible level of independence.

Residential and vocational training instructors teach basic to more advanced skills, including hygiene, laundry skills, money management, self medication administration, dining etiquette and vocational skills. Care is taken to tailor instruction to an individual’s personal needs.

Team members empower individuals to care for themselves as much as possible, while maintaining their dignity and self respect.


With our modern, attractive community-style living atmosphere, Care Centers of Nassau provides individuals a home-like environment complete with training, supervision and guidance. Homes are located within mainstream community life and have access to necessary supportive, habilitative and rehabilitative programs and services.

Care Centers of Nassau features three separate three-acre communities and has the capacity to serve 72 individuals in nine residential homes. Each individual has his or her own private room with a semiprivate bath. Additionally, each home has a kitchen, living area and screened porch.

Care Centers of Nassau facilities includes recreational Adult Day Programs, a health clinic, therapy space, and training rooms. Individuals are transported in state-of-the-art wheelchair accessible vehicles to occupational and recreational opportunities, medical appointments and other off-campus destinations. Celebrations and festivals for the enjoyment of individuals and their families are held at various times during the year.

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